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About Bipolar Disorder
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About Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a serious illness. It can make a person’s normal moods seem extreme. It used to be called manic depression.

People with bipolar disorder have mood swings. Their moods can swing from very low (depression) to very high (mania). Bipolar disorder sometimes is confused with other types of depression.

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong illness. But today there are many treatments. People with bipolar disorder should ask their healthcare provider about the best way to keep their moods from swinging too far one way or the other.

Types of mood episodes

In bipolar disorder, or manic depression, each mood swing is called an “episode.” There are 4 main types of mood episodes that people with bipolar disorder can have:

  • Depression — Depression is when people with bipolar disorder feel very sad. Sometimes this can go on for a long period of time. They may not even want to get out of bed or eat. They don’t enjoy doing things they used to do.
  • Mania — Mania is the other side of bipolar disorder. Mania may start with a good feeling, almost like a “high.” Or it may make a person feel very irritable and angry. People with mania may do very risky things.
  • Hypomania — Hypomania is a milder form of mania. It can make people feel good. They may think they are getting more things done. But the “feel good” stage can change into mania or depression. Hypomania is different from mania because it doesn’t get in the way of things like work or family. It sometimes is not even noticed as a problem.
  • Mixed mood — This is when feelings of mania and depression go back and forth quickly, sometimes even in the same day.

With all types of extreme mood episodes, people are at risk for suicide.

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